Vacancy extraordinary general meeting ARDESTAN Cement Company (Limited), registration number 20680 hereby invites all owners of respectable stock ARDESTAN Cement Company at an extraordinary general meeting at 11 am on Monday ARDESTAN Ross dated 20/8 / Clove Hall, 1392 at Isfahan Kowsar Hotel is located in the garden of people are being held in .hzvr. Agenda: 1. The decision on entry into the company's Securities and Exchange 2. Joint Stock Company LLP 3. Other issues related to the competence of the General Assembly can be recorded.
Read more: Extraordinary meeting of ARDESTAN Cement Persian date Aban 92
In a meeting on Wednesday, 04/12/1392 at the Bureau of Labor and Social Affairs, the Governor General of Isfahan, representatives of the Parliament and the provincial directors held ARDESTAN Cement Company of choice and was honored as the top entrepreneur